Saturday, December 6, 2008

infinite difference between spiritual and temporal goods

If we seek, in this manner, after virtue, we shall be rich in
a short time. If you seek for wisdom, says Solomon, as men
seek for riches ; and if you dig for it, as you would to find a
treasure, you shall then know what is the fear of the Lord, and
you shall learn the true science of God. What God demands
of us here, says St Bernard, is not much; since for gaining
the treasure of true wisdom, which is God himself, he requires
no more exertion on our part than is usually made to
gain earthly riches which are subject to a thousand accidents
and whereof the enjoyment is so short and so troublesome
To keep, then, a proportion in things, were it not proper, that
as there is an infinite difference between spiritual and temporal goods,
so there should also be as great a difference
between our manner of seeking the one and that of our seeking
the other. It is also a great shame and confusion to us, that
worldly men desire those things that are pernicious to them
with more earnestness than we desire those things that are
of the greatest advantage, and that they run faster to death,
than we do to Life.

Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Pillar of Scourging of Our Lord JESUS

Pillar of Scourging of Our Lord JESUS

Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin