Tuesday, January 26, 2010

...Ergo maris Stella

Ergo maris Stella,
Verbi Dei cella
Et solis aurora;
Paradisi porta
Per quam lux est orta,
Natum tuum ora:
Ut nos solvat a peccatis
Et in regno claritatis
Quo lux lucet sedula
Collocet per secula.

Therefore, Star of the Sea,
Chamber of the Divine Word
And dawning of the Sun,
Gateway to Paradise,
Through which light ariseth,
Entreat thy Son on our behalf:
That he may deliver us from sin,
And set us for ever
In the realm of splendour,
Where light everlasting shineth forth.

Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Pillar of Scourging of Our Lord JESUS

Pillar of Scourging of Our Lord JESUS

Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin