Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tragedy of withholding from God so many hours which will never come back

The Liturgical Year By Prosper Guéranger, Catholic Church: "it was a fault in thee who wast called to something higher to withhold from God so many hours which he was inwardly urging thee to reserve for him alone. And who knows whither thy soul might have been led hadst thou continued longer thus to wound thy Spouse. But we whose tepidity can see nothing in thy great sins but what would be perfection in many of us have a right to appreciate as the Church does both thy life and thy writings and to pray with her on this joyful day of thy feast that we may be nourished with thy heavenly doctrine and kindled with thy love of God"

Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Pillar of Scourging of Our Lord JESUS

Pillar of Scourging of Our Lord JESUS

Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin